
Do I need Air Duct Cleaning? A simple answer is yes, you do. Let me ask you a simple question. When was the last time you had your Air Ducts inspected for any signs of molds, dust, contaminants and other allergens? Exactly! Your Ducts can be a breeding ground for so many allergens and pathogens. Only by proper AC Duct Cleaning can you be 100% sure that the AC Air coming into your homes via these vents is pure and breathable. Also, the other part of this jigsaw is your AC filters, whether they are clean or not. But most often than not, it’s your ducts that need cleaning. What is Air Duct Cleaning? A professional Air Duct Cleaning involves cleaning up your ducts with a high power gas-powered vacuum and a power brush system. These ducts act as pathways for cooling, heating, and ventilation inside homes and offices. Over time, these pathways may accumulate dust, carcinogens, allergens, and molds. An average person spends more than 90% of his time indoors and this indoor air can be...

What is the secret of having to dust less often?

What is the secret of having to dust less often? Dust is a fact of life. We are so we have dust. But dust is not dirt. People ask us all the time, Why do I have dust if I don't open my windows? Dust is fabric lint, dirt and mostly somewhere around 95% dead skin. Also pet dander and hair. It likes to stick to TVs and tabletops. If you clean your air ducts and the house that will make a big difference. Then some people also and then in the next month or two clean your carpet. People ask, Does it cost a lot to clean ducts? The secret to getting your ducts cleaned for less money is to do light cleanings often for as little as $199 If you wait 5 years you live in the dust and dirt and it cost several hundred dollars to get it clean. We have a $99 yearly cleaning 3-year plan that will keep your ducts and house clean. for $297 That is less than the cost of 1 good cleaning. If your ducts are dirty its like the carwash. Get a good deep cleaning the first time. Then inexpensive cleanings ...

How to fix why some rooms are too cold or hot?

 How to fix why some rooms are too cold or hot? Your heating and cooling system uses the same ducts, and just like water pipes, they go through your house. under the floor and walls. When the ducts were installed they are usually all the same size but How to fix why some rooms are too cold or hot? Your heating and cooling system uses the same ducts, and just like water pipes, they go through your house. under the floor and walls. When the ducts were installed they are usually all the same size but some rooms are bigger than others and need more or less air. A little known secret is there is "Damper Doors" installed in your system. As an HVAC Air Duct Cleaning Company, We have a key tool to adjust the air-flow and temperature up or down to a room. The first thing we will do is run a diagnostics test to analyze what is causing the trouble. Then we can adjust the key dampers to balance the airflow to all the rooms. Some times systems need duct cleaning or more attic insulation...

Need Help Servicing your Humidifier?

Need Help Servicing your Humidifier? If You Need Help Servicing your Humidifier, We can help a Regular service call is just $99.00 With This Coupon. CALL 847-904-0315 Dry skin, dry nose CALL NOW for a service call 847-904-0315 Click for our home page

How Do You Know When Your Ducts Need cleaning ?

How Do You Know When Your Ducts Need cleaning   The air ducts in our homes are the passageways through which air is moved. They move air out of a room through a ventilator and filter and back into the rooms at the temperatures the homeowner specifies. Ductwork is usually not something we think about too often because it is not something we see every day. Quite often the ductwork is located in attics, ceilings, or walls and not visible. Due to the locations - how do you know when your ducts need work? 1. Household temperature inconsistencies – if you are noticing cold or hot spots,  rooms that are stuffy or difficult to heat or cool 2. Higher utility bills - a sign of ductwork damage is a change in your utility bills.  If they jump or are very high in comparison to neighbors most likely its an issue in the ductwork 3. Excessive humidity in the home – ducts in need of repair and an excessive amount of humidity into your home 4. Mold – usually a result of # 3. T...
Cleaned air ducts today with water leaking in ducts. Here is a link to fix this problem.  click to go to Then Scroll to the bottom of the web page where it says, Water in the ducts is bad news  CALL NOW 847-904-0315

How Often Do I Change My Furnace Filter?

  As you discovered, a clean furnace filter makes a big difference in air quality. What’s more, the fresher the filter, the more efficiently your HVAC system runs, resulting in lower energy bills. Filters are designed to trap dust and airborne particles as air is drawn through the filter and into the furnace system.  For the best filter to use or a vent cleaning package see our website.  The general rule is to change a furnace filter—usually located behind a return-air vent or in a slot on the furnace itself—at least once every month it may need to be cleaned or replaced.  In some houses, the filter will last 90 days. Depending on your lifestyle and the type of furnace filter you choose, you may want to swap it out more often. Several factors should be considered when deciding how often to change a furnace filter, and many filter manufacturers recommend how often their product should be replaced. Look for clues that i...